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Tidligere aktiviteter 2011

8 March, 2011: The International Women's Day

Event with TV hostess Karen-Helene Hjorth
The event was open to everybody and invitations were sent out to non-members. There were snacks and drinks and we took the opportunity to canvass for new members.

Karen-Helene Hjorth gave a very interesting talk on the media, her job as a TV hostess, and she also shared some of her personal experiences (the funny, the scary and the uplifting ones) with us. She opened a window to everybody present to the both stressful, but also fascinating world of a daily news channel. Her obvious commitment and her professionalism were an inspiration to everybody present.

Her talk led to a debate about the media and the ethics in the daily decisions of which stories to bring or not bring.

1 June, 2011:

Summer meeting
In Alpha we always have a meeting just before the summer where we all bring som delicious food and where we spend the evening chatting about everything and nothing. Great!

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